from misc.helper import verify_answer
= "../inputs/example_day_05.txt"
example_input_file = "../inputs/day_05.txt" input_file
Day 5: Print Queue
In today’s task we need to help Elves working in the printer room. They, as per usual, use a very convoluted way to do things and we need to help them figure out which updates are correct. Check out the full back story and problem setup on the official Day 5 of Advent of Code 2024 website.
And here’s the ChatGPT generated graphic to get us started:
Part 1: Determining correct sequences
The first part of the task involves identifying the correct sequence of pages based on a set of given rules. The input consists of two sections:
Page Order Instructions: We are provided with a series of strings in the format
, whereX
represents a page number, andY
is the page number that must followX
(not necessarily directly). These rules define the proper sequence of pages.Page Updates: In this section, a list of page updates is given, each represented as a sequence of page numbers (e.g.,
X, Z, Y, B
). Our objective is to verify whether each update adheres to the rules specified in the first section.
Finally, for all updates that satisfy the rules, we identify the middle page number in each valid sequence and compute the sum of these middle values.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
def parse_input(input) -> Tuple[dict[int: int], list[int]]:
if Path(input).exists():
with open(input, "r") as file:
input =
= {}
rules = []
for line in input.splitlines():
= line.strip()
line if line == "":
if "|" in line:
= map(int, line.split("|"))
b, a = rules.get(b, []) + [a]
rules[b] else:
list(map(int, line.split(","))))
return rules, updates
= """
small_example 0|1
({0: [1, 6], 3: [4]}, [[1, 2, 3], [6, 1, 0]])
def check_correctness(rules, updates):
def is_correct(update):
for i in range(len(update)):
= rules.get(update[i], [])
test_value for value in test_value:
if value in update[:i]:
return False
return True
return [update for update in updates if is_correct(update)]
*parse_input(small_example)) check_correctness(
[[1, 2, 3]]
def get_middle_value(seq) -> int:
return seq[len(seq) // 2]
def part_one(input):
= parse_input(input)
rules, updates = check_correctness(rules, updates)
correct_updates = [get_middle_value(update) for update in correct_updates]
middle_values return sum(middle_values)
143) verify_answer(part_one, example_input_file,
✔️ That's right! The answer is 143.
CPU times: user 2 μs, sys: 1 μs, total: 3 μs
Wall time: 5.96 μs
That’s the right answer! You are one gold star ⭐ closer to finding the Chief Historian.
Part 2: Fixing the weird printer
In this part, we need to fix the sequences according to the rules. I first tried a solution with a graph, but this wasn’t working since the rules are not a DAG (as was also noticed by u/timrprobocom). Instead, I decided to implement a solution that would iteratively fix the sequence by popping the offending value to the right of the tested one.
First, I need to identify the incorrect sequences.
def check_incorrectness(rules, updates):
def is_incorrect(update):
for i in range(len(update)):
= rules.get(update[i], [])
test_values for value in test_values:
if value in update[:i]:
return True
return False
return [update for update in updates if is_incorrect(update)]
*parse_input(example_input_file)) check_incorrectness(
[[75, 97, 47, 61, 53], [61, 13, 29], [97, 13, 75, 29, 47]]
And then implement fixing the sequences by moving the offending value to the right of the tested one.
def fix_sequence(rules: dict, sequence):
while True:
= False
for i in range(len(sequence)):
= rules.get(sequence[i], [])
checks for check in checks:
if check in sequence[:i]:
= sequence.index(check)
check_index = sequence.pop(check_index)
sequence.insert(i, offending_value)= True
made_changes break
if made_changes:
if not made_changes:
return sequence
1: [0], 2: [1, 0]}, [2, 0, 1]) fix_sequence({
[2, 1, 0]
def part_two(input):
= parse_input(input)
rules, updates = check_incorrectness(rules, updates)
incorrect_updates = [
fixed_updates for update in incorrect_updates
fix_sequence(rules, update)
return sum(get_middle_value(update) for update in fixed_updates)
123) verify_answer(part_two, example_input_file,
✔️ That's right! The answer is 123.
CPU times: user 3 μs, sys: 1 μs, total: 4 μs
Wall time: 5.96 μs
That’s the right answer! You are one gold star ⭐ closer to finding the Chief Historian.